DPAD Yogyakarta

Digitizing Ancient Manuscripts: Both Ancient Manuscripts Physically and Ancient Manuscripts in Digital Format

 Artikel Perpustakaan  7 March 2022  Hendrikus Franz Josef, M.Si  76  427
Digitizing Ancient Manuscripts:  Both Ancient Manuscripts Physically and Ancient Manuscripts in Digital Format

Preservation of library materials, in general, has two main elements, namely preservation in physical form and preservation of the value of information. The process of preservation in physical form is usually done by means of maintenance, care, preservation and repair. While preserving the value of information is done through letter transfer, language transfer and media transfer. Library media transfer is usually done on library materials that are of historical value, ancient manuscripts, rare books or library materials that have fragile physical conditions. However, the process of transferring conventional media by photocopying will usually further damage the physical library material so the library must have a policy of making copies in the form of digital media transfer in order to preserve the library material information. In addition, the transfer of media also has the potential to cause infringement of copyright, but it is important to remember that libraries as public institutions not only provide information services but also have the task of preserving human creations so that the works of copyright can be empowered throughout the ages. In order to preserve the value of information contained in library materials, the library must be able to protect and protect one's copyrights by implementing policies that favor the public interest while respecting the intellectual property rights of individuals and the community.

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