DPAD Yogyakarta

Repository : Scientific Literation Publishing Copy Right

 Artikel Perpustakaan  4 April 2022  Hendrikus Franz Josef, M.Si  158  665
Repository :   Scientific Literation Publishing Copy Right

Library Repositories are very important to be managed and developed for specialized libraries. Repository library which should be a valuable asset for the institution of its owner, is not only a supplementary material collected by the library. Behind it all, it turns out that the Repository Library has become an important level of need for library users. This paper will examine the management of the Repository Library, which also looks at advancing open access programs in libraries, specifically for the Repository Library collection. In addition, the Repository Library is now a mainstay for various universities to raise the image of universities in terms of developing science and technology. The approach is on the ease of library users in accessing this collection. Therefore, the idea of Open Access began to be raised to open the width of information that can be accessed by library users. This paper will explain the flow of Repository Library management activities. Every institution in Indonesia may build and develop a repository system, but the most important thing is to work together to integrate digital information access between institutions and improve the quality of national scientific publications. Repositories contribute to increasing institutional webometry repositories in national and international indexing databases. In the future, all special libraries of tertiary institutions should develop and develop an integrated national scientific repository system. This is the basis for determining national science and technology policies, including: (1) leading research priorities; (2) maping the results of scientific publications; (3) collaboration system between researchers/institutions; (4) database library interoperability repository; (5) targets of national scientific publications; and 6) dissemination of scientific information to the public. The purpose of building a repository is to: (1) store and preserve intellectual assets (preservation); (2) providing open access to the institution's intellectual work to the public; (3) increasing the accessibility of local content of institutions in the global index; and (4) facilitate information retrieval in one integrated system. The repository functions as a system of managing intellectual assets to support and guarantee the implementation of research based on freedom, truth and integrity.

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