We come to the brand new technology that so referred to as as digital local technology. Facts may be searched through the gadgets on arms this is connected to the internet Then query comes, is the conventional library still crucial?. What ought to conventional library do?. It's far no surprise that most of the libraries have been decreasing its quantity of traffic in addition to its wide variety of books that out of the shells. This paper describes the haracteristics of the digital native, human beings addiction in learning and analyzing books. The development of information technology over the past decade has attracted a person's lifestyle. The emergence of social networking software such as Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, Blogs in combination with mobile communication equipment has the features. The presence of e-BookReader, tablet PCs, digital music players, mobile phones newest created to keep someone in touch. Digital natives generation in the digital age, characterized by multitasking, often the networks, random access, preferred in interactive multimedia format information. It is estimated that within a generation of digital natives, users of university libraries have become. Representation of information skills lessons in a hypertext document has the potential to enrich the learning environment, diverse, flexible, and potential to interact. Opportunities provide university library information skills The use of web technology does not eliminate nature of face-to-face information skills, even face access to library services for users.
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