Ghratama Pustaka, which launched on December 21, 2015, offers a new experience on library service. Called as “the biggest public library in South East Asia”, Ghratama Pustaka serves Yogyakarta publics with new facility and good ways to access information. In other side, Ghratama Pustaka have another division, which one of it is preservation department.
Preservation department has some programs and activities. Their duty is to make sure that all of collection could be used as well as possible. They also have a big responsibility on digitization activity. The process starts with image capturing, and following by post-image processing and compiling into single reads format like .PDF, .Epub and other types.
As we know, the development of information technology affecting the library service and technical works. There was some challenge on the digitization process, that is:
1. Limited human resource
2. Mastery of technology
3. Limited work space
The preservation department itself tries to find new and updated technology to enhance the quality and speed of image processing. They have conducted exhaustive research to get an optimal work scheme, especially on digitization. Engagement will always conducted to get best result on every digitization project and others preservation work area.
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