Library science field in Indonesia has long been known and used to use information-related activities, although the words are not user-oriented words. Information skills developed in America since the late 1980s, with a focus on the activity 'bibliographic instruction' offers organized in scientific libraries. In English, the term 'bibliographic instruction' in parallel with 'user education'. Now, the use of word literacy is more familiar than the use of user education because there have been changes in the global agenda on education as well as the development of hybrid and is known for its library digital library. Not only about the concept of digital library development, indeed the rapid development that occurs in the field of information technology and communication has a broad impact on the organization of the library. The result, especially in the form of an increase in the number and nature of the library collection resources. The rise of a country in the world is determined by the quality of human potential, especially in the acquisition and dissemination of information. The library has a crucial role to play in raising human resources by strengthening the competitiveness of information skills. Using the power of information skills will increase the power of state, namely the power to improve people's daily lives. Finally, it can help accelerate the development and progress of the country in general.