This paper will talk about particularly the issues of Indonesian librarians as agents of the information in the time of globalization and the internet. The Librarian is as of now has an unmistakable status as a practical office professional work assumed name, yet in the event that contrasted and other professional positions as a legal counselor, librarians, specialists, librarian in running the mission is still in the sufficient. As the pointers of the profession of librarian are not known by the group and the level of welfare of the librarian still left if contrasted and the office above. Alongside the improvement of information innovation in the time of globalization, librarian preparing worldview additionally has changed and traditional frameworks to computerized framework. As information administrator librarians have the chance to lift the presumption as the watchmen of the book to be agents of information. To enhance the fitness of the cutting edge librarian must be at least control four things among other academic capability in the field of library and information and documentation, the capacity to adjust with the advance of information innovation, the state of mind of professionalism and convey aptitudes including English abilities.
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