DPAD Yogyakarta

Berita Perpustakaan

Type of Library Services Type of Library Services
 2 December 2019  3156

Type of Library Services Writer: Hendrikus Franz Josef, M.Si Regional Library and Archive Office of Yogyakarta Special Region 2019 Abstract According to Law No. 43 of 2007, libraries are institutions that...

How To Make Compact Disk Catalog How To Make Compact Disk Catalog
 2 December 2019  708

Writer: Hendrikus Franz Josef, M.Si Regional Library and Archive Office...

Librarians Sertification in Indonesia Librarians Sertification in Indonesia
 2 December 2019  950

Librarians Sertification in Indonesia Writer: Hendrikus Franz Josef, M.Si ...

Increase Human Resources Through Library Increase Human Resources Through Library
 2 December 2019  710

Increase Human Resources Through Library Writer: Hendrikus Franz Josef, M.Si Regional Library and...

Introduction of the Library of KITLV-Jakarta Introduction of the Library of KITLV-Jakarta
 2 December 2019  938

Introduction of the Library of KITLV-Jakarta Writer: Hendrikus Franz Josef, M.Si Regional Library and...

Public Reference Library Services Public Reference Library Services
 2 December 2019  602

Public Reference Library Services Writer: Hendrikus Franz Josef, M.Si Regional Library and Archive Office of...

Library Development for Millennial Generation Library Development for Millennial Generation
 2 December 2019  528

Library Development for Millennial Generation Writer: Hendrikus Franz Josef, M.Si Regional Library...

Marketing Program of Library Marketing Program of Library
 2 December 2019  591

Marketing Program of Library Writer: Hendrikus Franz Josef, M.Si Regional Library and Archive Office of...

Library Excellent Services  for Millenial Generation Library Excellent Services for Millenial Generation
 2 December 2019  488

Library Excellent Services for Millenial Generation Writer: Hendrikus Franz Josef, M.Si Regional...

Librarian in the Global Village Community Librarian in the Global Village Community
 2 December 2019  789

Librarian in the Global Village Community Writer: Hendrikus Franz Josef, M.Si Regional Library and...